We learnt and observed a lot of cases. I remembered one of the case that we ( Junie, Qing yu and me) encountered on Wednesday night. Deep in my heart, I felt gratitude towards Dr Muhaimin for encouraged us to learn endotracheal tube insertion in a real patient. At the same time, I was really appreciated the deceased for being our "teacher". I felt a bit sad at the same time, why do his family signed the DNAR form? for your information, DNAR stands for "Do Not Attempt Resuscitation". And I really felt frustrated towards the House officers who treated the dead body badly. This uncle was so great to be our teacher for ETT insertion, however those young house officers treated him as if he is a mannequin. They are just like animals to me, BRAINLESS animals...Am i too mean to say that? I don't care.
Primum non nocere - "First, Do no harm" I will remember this for life. Thank you Professor Gracie! You have taught us so well. You are indeed a great doctor! =)