Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Crappie Crappie !!!

You would never know what's awaiting for you at the other side if you never attempt.

Never never give up!

I keep searching for motivation lately. I am kind off lost track. Mood swung badly.

I received a whatsapp message from my beloved elective supervisor. He wanted to publish my work. Minor correction needed to be done. That's killing me. I don't know where to start from.Realizing my end of posting test which was around the corner and the minimal hours with my mentor I felt kinda nervous. These are just minor problems, but they were magnified when I'm having emotional instability. Poor thing. That's the down sides to be a girl/lady. ( I guess I'm qualified enough to call myself a lady)

I had watched GRAVITY starred by Sandra Bullock. It is a nice piece of movie. I'm not sure about others but I really like the whole movie, very motivating.

Incident I encountered during my call last night. A poor lady who encountered a failed marriage and faced another problem which is quite similar in her last marriage. Her boyfriend was cheating on her with her colleague. Love and Money~ always cause damage, destruction and death. She tried to kill herself. She wants to give up herself. she was tearful throughout the night. I hold her hand, caressed her head, told her everything would be fine soon. I prayed for her deep inside my heart, asking holy spirits to look after this poor lost soul. Will her boyfriend come back for her? Nobody knows. I just want her to stand up confidently again like Oprah Winfrey did!

MIMS workshop. We had a very fun interactive moments with pharmacy students! Especially it came to the moment that our team members need to give instruction to patient on the way to use vaginal pessary. Laughter and stupid jokes during our discussions. and occasionally a little arguments. I cherished these joyful moments alot! :)

If I really have to formulate my whole problems this week, I would have said this:

-Presenting complaint: Dysphoric for the past 5 days associated with lost of appetite,lost of interest in social activities and changes in sleeping pattern. No past history of depression or manic episode.
-Predisposing factors: Premenstrual syndrome(PMS)
-Precipitating factors: Poor teamwork in presentation
-Perpetuating factors: New upcoming assignments and ongoing complaints on new buddy
-Protective Prognostic Factors: She used to be in hypomanic phase all the time, and she's still young, she has a good family and friends supports plus a caring boyfriend.
-Poor Prognostic Factors: undetected
-Provisional diagnosis: ???  Mood Swung secondary to PMS
-Plan: 1)seclusion.
          2)Minimize environmental stimuli and avoid any provocative members.
          3)Violent Caution!!!

I think I'm fine actually. (Poor insight? LOL)
Think positively, Holiday is coming soon~! :)
I'm counting down~

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