Thursday, 26 December 2013

Monologue 2

  • I had a pretty scary nightmares. He reckoned that it was the problems that I kept on thinking ,worrying and hence they were all hidden in my subconscious mind. So, these nightmares are the reflection of the problems that shouldn't be a problem at the first place. 
  • I'm repeating my bad habits occasionally. I got nervous easily, worrying too much for something minor. I'm still doing it now. I hate these. 
  • Sometimes, my temper gone bad when I'm rushing for something. My mom kept reminding me to hold my temper. She said I will scare off my husband in the future which I found it very funny to hear this. Oh dear, my cute mommy.
  • I see a few complete brachial plexua injury and I think i'm so lucky to have healthy moving four limbs. I should have stop complaining about my crab-like gait. My sciatica is recovering. I should have feel contented instead of complaining. Anyway, I still have to advise all the youngsters out there, mind your postures when you are carrying heavy loads~~~ slipped disc is not funny at all!!!
  • Loves to stay alone in the room lately. bad or good things? =)
  • I'm counting the days when piggy man is coming back. Time to eat roasted pig~~~ hahahaha! 
  • I can't wait to welcome my little nephew to be out of his mama's womb~ comm'on baby, your aunt is so eager to hug and kiss you!!!! 

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

My 2013

It's our study week already! It's his Final's study week and my last week to prepare for EOP for orthopedic posting. Time passes fast. 2013 is almost coming to an end. Flashback to my 2013, many incidents happened, either good or the bad incidents. Thank God I had overcome them with precious lessons learnt in each incidents. Blessing in disguise. God has created many ways for me to learn, to grow up, to appreciate and to love every single persons that I have met in my life even my enemies.

God also created miracles in so many ways that I have met my love one in a very special way. I feel blessed that my problems have been taken care by God each time. Never forget the Almighty one whenever you feel like you are hopeless. You never know how great He is!

It's very surprised that Piggyman and me shared many similarities and the way we communicate with each other is always so unique and suits with each other as if we are enzyme and substrate and destiny is our catalyst.

I really cant tell how grateful I am for now.

I prayed for a heartwarming christmas this year. I don't need crowds of people to wish me a merry christmas. I want all of my family members gathered and spend our christmas together. So my wish was granted. I have everyone around me. We talked, we laughed and we gossiped. I even have my two brother's gf together with us. I couldn't wish for anything more! =)

 And for our coming exams... It's kinda hilarious actually. We motivated each other but at the same times we were too weak to resist the desire to sleep in our minds. Well he dealt with these problems better than me.  At least he can stay up longer than me. I used to doze off before the time I have set reached. TSK TSK...But we are really bookwormssss when we decided to be one. XD

I wish everyone has a blessed Christmas :) and Happy New Year! ^^

Piggyman , I wish you the best for your study week and coming exam !!! <3 ^^

Monday, 16 December 2013

Hectic Busy Weeks

So many things to be done in this month. So stressful.

Piggy man is going to have his final at the end of this month. So I'm not going to interrupt him for awhile. We will be contacting each other again in next year. I know I'm going to miss his voice. Badly.

I want a snowman for my christmas~ ^^ no, I want piggy man for my christmas ^^

Turkey, potatoes, mushroom soup, pasta, muffins, cakes, chocolates will be my main menu for thanksgiving day this year. Hopefully mom is fine with these. My mom has the best cooking skill after all. ^^

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Fruitful Day

We had a discussion session with Dr Ahmad from urology department. RM Ong and me presented a case each respectively. I was so nervous, my hands were cold to touch and it was shivering in anxiety. This was not my first time presenting a case. But probably I take it as a real long case. awww~

I managed to interviewed Mr Koo. He is a nice man. Dr Ahmad really taught us alot and he is a very dedicated tutor. Thanks for keep me motivated Dr Ahmad! =D

Halfway through my interviewing session, there was a loud and noisy voices "chirping" in the ward. Without peeping through the curtain, I was very certain that was Dr Thi Ha and yes I was right. He ordered TTL to examine one of the patient's penis. I still remember what he said. " I want BOY only. HAHAHAHA~~~!!! you will present what u find to your comrade later" (plus a smirk..ewww..) Okay fine. LOL  guess what, he just want TTL to have a look what the patient did to his penis. There is two beads inserted to his penile shaft........zzzzz

On the other hand, Pig just had his exam done and there is a final term awaiting him in the end of December. I admired his way of handling his stress and anxiety. He never complain , never waste his time worrying the possibility that he might not finish his study before the exam. In fact, he kept silent and tried his best to finish his study. These includes the sacrifices of his nap time. This is what I have to learn. Stop wasting my time feeling panic! =) I know Pig will be a very successful man one day. Keep it up Pig!

PS: my buddies are planning for a trip or sing K or buffet or clubbing. These bunch of kiddos... sigh* I have to study la buddy buddy sekalian!!!! clubbing apa? semua kanak2 tak cukup umur tak boleh masuk! my playful buddies~ ><

Monday, 2 December 2013

A long tiring night

I never have the chance to sleep yesterday night after my weekend call. Blame the oncology topic that I have to prepare. It is indeed a very huge topic to be digest.

I felt so sleepy and my trapezius muscles were tensed up. I wished I can sleep. I abused one packet of coffee but my eyelids still feel like dropping.

I was skyping with him all night long too while rushing for the presentation. Thank you piggy  for staying up with me and keep me wide awake. =D

Our ways to keep ourselves awake: listening to CNY songs, and stupid and funny Mario songs. XD