Thursday, 26 December 2013

Monologue 2

  • I had a pretty scary nightmares. He reckoned that it was the problems that I kept on thinking ,worrying and hence they were all hidden in my subconscious mind. So, these nightmares are the reflection of the problems that shouldn't be a problem at the first place. 
  • I'm repeating my bad habits occasionally. I got nervous easily, worrying too much for something minor. I'm still doing it now. I hate these. 
  • Sometimes, my temper gone bad when I'm rushing for something. My mom kept reminding me to hold my temper. She said I will scare off my husband in the future which I found it very funny to hear this. Oh dear, my cute mommy.
  • I see a few complete brachial plexua injury and I think i'm so lucky to have healthy moving four limbs. I should have stop complaining about my crab-like gait. My sciatica is recovering. I should have feel contented instead of complaining. Anyway, I still have to advise all the youngsters out there, mind your postures when you are carrying heavy loads~~~ slipped disc is not funny at all!!!
  • Loves to stay alone in the room lately. bad or good things? =)
  • I'm counting the days when piggy man is coming back. Time to eat roasted pig~~~ hahahaha! 
  • I can't wait to welcome my little nephew to be out of his mama's womb~ comm'on baby, your aunt is so eager to hug and kiss you!!!! 

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